Welding is a key technique used to make joints on steel structures. IMK has a long tradition in welding quality assurance and provides the following services:
- testing and certification of welders and welding procedures,
- testing for QA of welding,
- preparation and verification of welding technology,
- control and supervision of welding work in the field.
01 280 21 32
031 753 942
01 280 21 58
040 232 166
Testing and certification of welders
The quality of any welded joint depends on the welder’s skill. Welders must have good theoretical knowledge in addition to particular manual dexterity. Owing to the importance of their work, welders must prove their competence with a certificate gained as the result of passing the verification procedure. Even after obtaining a certificate, welders should periodically demonstrate their competence.
Testing of welders is commonly carried out on site at a manufacturer or can also be done at IMK. At beginning, we can help welders and/or manufacturers decide what kinds of sample work welders should do, such that it will cover the scope and all the requirements of individual certificates.
Testing of welders is commonly carried out on site at a manufacturer or can also be done at IMK. At beginning, we can help welders and/or manufacturers decide what kinds of sample work welders should do, such that it will cover the scope and all the requirements of individual certificates.

Welder certification is commonly carried out in accordance with the following standards:
- EN ISO 9606-1,
- EN 13067,
- EN ISO 13585,
- AD 2000 Merkblatt HP3,
- ASME sec. IX.
Testing and certification of welding procedures
Good welding technology is also required for a well-executed weld-joint, in addition to having a qualified welder. IMK certifies welding technologies through the WPQR in accordance with the European Standard EN ISO 15614-1 (for steel, nickel alloys) and EN ISO 15614-2 (for aluminium and aluminium alloys). At the client’s request we can also apply certain requirements from standards such as ASME sec. IX, or other requirements, such as DVS (DVS 1702) and AD Merkblatt (AD 2000 HP 2/1).
IMK certifies welders for various welding processes:
- fusion welding of metallic materials:
- manual arc welding
- MAG welding,
- MIG welding,
- TIG welding,
- submerged arc welding,
- flame welding.
- welding of thermoplastics:
- sleeve welding,
- extrusion welding,
- hot tool welding.
- brazing of the copper piping.